Using WTFast on TP-Link

Using WTFast on TP-Link

Using the Archer GE800 v1.0 (BE19000 Tri-Band Wi-Fi 7 Gaming Router)

After setting up the TP-Link router as per the quick installation guide, login to router at http://tplinkwifi.net/ or ( with the admin password you setup during installation.

From the top menu list click on Game Center, open the Game Acceleration menu and select Game Server Acceleration

Click on Log In button, fill in your details, click on the accept TOS and Privacy Policy, and click Log In.

This creates the Router document in Firebase for your account. The GPNC then will go through discovering any devices on the network and adding them to Firebase.

If you want to change the name of any of your devices, you need to do it through the Clients part of the Network Map.

To add a device to use for acceleration, you need to click the + Add button above the clients table.

Select the device, platform, and game you wish to play.

In Firebase, you’ll see that the AppMetaID and GameConfigID have been updated for this device. It is NOT being accelerated yet (obvious from Firebase in that there is no GameSessionID & obvious from the UI that the Enable Switch is not toggled on.

Toggle the Enable and you will see the Firebase document updated with a CPEState from idle to active and GameSessionID has been created.

On the UI, the toggle is now on and the crossed swords icon is white.

Clicking the swords brings up an In Game chart. It will be blank until you start playing the game and network traffic is captured.

The In Game form is not dynamic. It will pull the gaming data only when opened.

The table under the chart is every ping record shown in the chart. You can look at all the records using the navigation controls under the table.

If you use the logout next to your WTFast Account info, it will turn off the GPNC and connected devices. It is recommended that you stay logged in to prevent this from happening. Logging out of the Router page will not have any affect on the GPNC.

Rebooting GPNC

If you suspect that the GPNC has died, you can reboot it by logging out of the WTFast account and log back in.

You will need to add your devices again, as this process also removes them.